A more appropriate number for this post would be 12.
Why? I have 12 days left in 'Merica!
Where am I going? Dubrovnik, Croatia!
Have a look at the map below. You will see Dubrovnik right on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. You will also see Italy right across the sea, part of Bosnia-Herzagovnia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, and Kosovo.
I leave the U.S. July 11, and I will return August 1.
I am going to Croatia for a summer course focusing on the collapse of Yugoslavia (Croatia was a Yugoslavian republic), and the ethnic conflicts that coincided with this collapse.
I'll get into the details in later posts.
This will be my home for three weeks, Dubrovnik...
As you can imagine, I am pretty excited to spend time there! ^
I am absolutely sure this course will be an outstanding learning experience for me!
This blog will be my means of communicating with my friends and family back home, because I will have no other social media while I am gone.
No Twitter, no Instagram, no FaceBook... well, only for blog posts.
Wish me luck! ;-)