Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dubrovnik - Walls (Day 6)

I haven't posted in a few days! Oops! 
It has been VERY busy these past few days... that is the understatement of the year. 
Between class, meals, homework, adventuring, and sleeping... speaking of sleep (ZzzZzzz). 

It's been determined that I was a Croat in my past life!
Michael (my professor), and his cousin Ivana (our friend/tour guide) were talking about something language related in Croatian (I speak no Croatian), and I rudely interrupted to ask a question about language education in Croatian schools, WHICH was so relevant to what they were talking about that both Michael, and Ivana looked completely puzzled. 
They both thought for a second that they must have been talking English, because there is no logical reason that I understood what they were saying at all, especially enough to question them about the exact subject they were speaking about. 

Also, today in class I pronounced "Ustasa" more like "Ustache" (a Croatian word relevant to our studies) in a way I thought was completely ridiculous, but in fact it was the plural version of the word I was pronouncing. I had never seen or heard the word before. 

Today we were planning on going to Lokrum island, right of the coast of Dubrovnik, but strange wind patterns have created very large waves on the Adriatic, so we have rescheduled the island trip to Thursday. 

Michael told us the beach we've been going to should be safe, so Emily, Kelsey, Ethan and I went to go for a swim. The waves were sometimes taller than me, so the girls chickened out. I took my floaty in, and Ethan and I rode the waves! SO fun, well... until Ethan go ANOTHER urchin in his foot, but luckily not nearly as badly as his first experience with those prickly bastards! 

Below I'll just give a brief explanation of various photos I've taken throughout the past few days! 

Much smaller waves than the ones we experienced today! 

 Port from the city walls. 

 Jewish headstone recycled into the wall of the city. Apparently Dubrovnik was very tolerant of the Jews throughout history, but we haven't discussed that much. I'll update everyone when I learn more about it! 

 Dubrovnik from the wall. 

 Dubrovnik from the wall. 


If you look to the right (the raised area Emily has her hand on), you'll see what once served as a freshwater aqueduct for the city! 

This fortress is part of the wall complex. The forts evolved over time to become more protective against the weapons of the day. The round shape of the forts gave them structural strength against potential cannon fire. 

Dubrovnik from the wall. 

Dubrovnik from the wall. 

The Croatian flag. 

Another round fortress. 

I found this on the wall. 


 Restaurant outside of the wall. 


Ethan, Philip, Paige, Michael, Robert, Kelsey, Emily, Ethan, and Gaylynn Welch.
Our crew! : ) Ignore the two fellows in the background! 

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