Monday, July 23, 2012

Island Hopping - Mountain Climbing

A few more busy days have passed here in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik.
We've crossed the half way mark, so it won't be long until I'm back in Madrid... definitely bittersweet! 

This past Saturday our crew woke up at the crack of dawn to wait in line for a boat ticket.
My stomach isn't particularly a fan of long boat rides, so I was quite anxious! 
Luckily I'm not alone, Emily and I share boxes of Dramamine. We are becoming slightly addicted to that lovely little pill. If only it actually knocked me out! 
We were very fortunate to have calm seas, so the ride to Mjlet, and back to Dubrovnik was smooth sailing (although it wasn't a sailboat)! 
The ride was actually quite interesting, because I got to speak French! A two year old French boy and his mother sat next to me. For the first half of the ride he fell asleep on my shoulder... so cute! After waking up he became quite the talkative little bundle of energy! 
The first thing he asked me was (English translation) "Do you have a stuffed animal?"
I was very very very confused because the French word for stuffed animal is "doo-doo", so I thought he was asking me if I had poop! 
The island itself was pretty interesting! There is a lake on the island with an island at its center. We spent the day on the island on the lake, but there was plenty to see, and do! Ivana (Professor Popovic's cousin) made us spectacular sandwiches, so we ate our lunches outside of the monastery. Ivana has been our tour guide, and second mother, we are so lucky to have her guidance on this trip! 
I floated around, did some reading, took a cat nap, explored the trails, and admired some beautiful new (to me) plants. 
Sunday was a pretty great day! I had the apartment to myself for most of the day, so I took advantage of the quiet and got a lot of work done. Along with work I also cooked Rob and I lunch, enjoyed a bottle of wine from a nearby island, and climbed a mountain (partially in the dark)! All in a days work! ;)  
The photos below are in no particular order! 

Luckily we managed to catch the end of the sunset through the clouds.

All purpose Sperrys! They did well on and off the beaten path! 

Pretty, but thorny blue bushes. 

These old rock walls were part of a system of terraces for a winery on the mountain. 

Grad (Old City) through the trees on the way up the mountain. 

Zig-zag trail.

The fortress of Saint Blaise at the top of the mountain. 

 Grad (Old City).

Cable-car... would've been an easier alternative up/down the mountain, but we enjoyed the adventure! 

Missile? Satellite? Who knows!?

Looking south.

Looking east, towards Bosnia-Herzagovina.

The Old City looks even more beautiful at night! 

Clear water on Mjlet.


Two of the trees I found fascinating!

Monastery on Mjlet. 

Monastery on Mjlet.

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